PSD Tweets TOO!

In the past year, Parkland’s SLItech members and colleagues have entered the Twitter stream.

Twitter is a part of our lives and is a great source of information because:

  • Real-time rich conversations between teachers.
  • There is an amazing group of edtech people to connect with.
  • People post interesting educational and useful links.
  • It is easy to interact with teachers globally.

If you are one of the people still not sure about how to get started on twitter, here is a crash course of information.

1)    Go to and sign up.

2)    Add a picture of yourself.

3)    Include a bio filled with keywords – this is where people get a first impression of you.

4)    Find some followers try: and and our own PSD group

5)    @username will send the tweet directly to that person.

6)    DM = direct message which is a private message from another person.

7)    RT = retweet which a message that was shared by someone else first.

8)    How to keep up with tweets? There are always enough tweets to go around, don’t worry if you miss any. Online with Tweetdeck and in Google Chrome with ChromedBird (on the web and as an App on your smartphone) are all places you can keep up with tweets.

Above all, enjoy experiencing your new connections with people all over the world!



By Nicole Lakusta

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